Regardless if you are just now heading into student life, or if you’ve had some practise at it already, this blog entry is bound to have something insightful for you. Our team did the roundup of the best student apps out there, and it’s the kind of gem of a student blog you need to scroll through!
Student Beans
Curious about how much you can save when shopping on a student budget? In that case, it’s safe to say Student Beans will become your most opened app of the year (after your uni’s own app, of course…). Discover a phenomenal new world of college discounts, deals and codes that will allow you to explore London in all of its glory, with cheeky budget perks left and right!
Are you one of those people that like having a notepad to jot down every second thought they have? Or is that all students regardless of their field? Whatever the answer to those questions may be, one thing is certain: Evernote is the kind of app that you will naturally come to rely on for putting those scattered thoughts in order and making your lead up to finals all the more efficient.
Oxford Dictionary
An absolute treasure, especially when you are doing your exhausting literature review and need a helping hand within easy reach. The Oxford Dictionary application is destined to become your most trusted helper, and the source of most of your screen time when drafting your essays towards the end of your semester. While on this subject, may we also suggest doing some research on Thesaurus apps and looking into the best fit for you? Pinpointing the perfect synonym to use is always helpful in creating an essay structure with a great flow.
Speaking of essay writing, may we introduce EasyBib? Before you try out your luck creating your own referencing, and spending tons of time to do it, we recommend giving EasyBib a go. Rid yourself of the mundane and time-consuming task of collating all relevant referencing information and bringing it together!
Google Docs
Ok, this one isn’t exactly a big secret, and you have probably used it a million times before. But in the case you haven’t, it’s time you did and discovered how phenomenally cool this app is. Editing in real time with your seminar group means your group work is hassle free and made much easier!
Tomato Timer
Have you ever read up on the Pomodoro technique? If you haven’t then perhaps it’s time to get acquainted with it. This productivity booster is ideal for those of you with knack for procrastination. Set the timer for 25 minutes, focus on one task for that period of time then give yourself a little break. TomatoTimer is – unfortunately – not an application at this point, but it still made the cut because of just how user friendly it is. You may wonder, “why don’t I just set a timer on my phone though?” and although you are right, most of the times we’ve opened our phone screens to put that 25 minutes timer we ended up scrolling through our Instagram feeds for a couple of minutes. So, we figured this one was surely worth putting on the list!